Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Perfect Day...

...begins at A Perfect Day Spa with an hour-long deep tissue massage (fobby and cheap--just how I like it),

And then some pho at a 4-Yelp-star hole-in-the-wall,

And then this phenomenal movie in which Meryl shows off her kick-ass acting chops. Philip Seymour Hoffman, a grade-A actor in his own right, becomes the perfect foil against which Meryl shines with the lustre of a consummate professional at the top of her game.

Although the movie is by no means a comedy, I found myself laughing more often and lustily than when watching any given SNL episode. The truth is funny!

Or it maybe its cuz SNL sucks now...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tis the Season: Jesus v. Santa

This picture captures the essence of the holiday season for me (albeit in a very blasphemous way--my apologies to those who are very serious about the 2nd commandment).

This year Christmas totally snuck up on me. It doesn't even FEEL like Christmas. Maybe it's because the last 3 years I've been in Boston where it actually starts LOOKING like the quintessential winter wonderland during December. And now, this beautiful California weather is just not giving my brain the cues it needs.

But I think the real reason is because I'm working. School has such a nice rhythm, whith its big long Christmas breaks. But now that I'm a cog, it's the daily grind every day except Christmas Day and the day after. Christmas is no more special than Thanksgiving--that's a big blow to Christmas.

Or maybe the real reason is cuz I'm dead inside. I've heard that firm life can do that to a person.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Office Party

Last Saturday M and I went to my firm's Holiday Party. It was my first corporate party so I was mildly excited.

Not much to report. It was unremarkable. Here's a quick summary: loud music; awkward conversation--smile, nod head, smile, sip champagne, repeat; and rubbery appetizers.

No wonder people get drunk at these events! The uncomfortableness of the whole situation would drive anyone to the bottle.

I guess working at a fancy law firm, I expected something better--fireworks and luxury! But apparently the overarching theme for our party was A Very Merry Recession: A Low Budget Affair!

But there was one big upside, M and I took a nice Christmas picture. It'll be a top contender for the cover of our Couple's Christmas Card 2009.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Odds and Ends

I'm not sure if its all the bad economic news,
or just my naturally pessimistic nature,
but I've been feeling a cloud of dread about my job.

Like any day the other shoe will drop and I'll be sent packing.

Actually I think it's all the internet surfing I do at work. (And the 6-hour work days). Those just seem like good bases upon which to get fired, don't they? I should be doing more training or administrative tasks, but I just can't find it within me to do boring things that no one explicitly assigns me!

Anyway, amidst all the job ups and downs here are some slices of life:

Michael and I celebrate passing the bar by going miniature golfing, something I haven't done since highschool. And now I know why...not very fun as an adult.

Soaked in a bathtub for the first time (with Crabtree & Evelyn bath salts and inflatable pillow).

The water was too hot. I felt like a poaching egg. Not as relaxing as I hoped.

Meet the newest love of my life. Got it from a guy off craigslist who had no idea what the true value of this 6'foot hunk of gorgeousness is. Let's just say I basically got an 80% discount.