Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Life outside of Hollywood?

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

America is too obsessed with celebrities!

I mean, really people. What is the big deal with Bradgelina and Vaughniston?! Why do we care to vote for pop singers more than local government issues?! And WTH is so interesting about tanorexic socialites like Paris Hilton?

There is way more important stuff to be focusing on. America is fighting a war, people. There's genocide going on in Darfur. New Orleans is still a mess. There's apocolyptic global warming for pete's sake!

That being said, you should definitely NOT be checking out my new blog link,
I suck...on straws, which would only encourage more deplorable celeb ogling.

No, you must resist the consumer urge for instant gratification and your daily fix of schadenfreude. Quick! Click on CNN, or the New York Times.
Save yourselves...it's too late for me!


Virenda said...

LOL, too right you are. It's interesting that you point that out because I try to make sure that my site doesn't come across as celebrity worship.I try to make sure everyone knows that this is merely superficial and unimportant.

I think the reason why the people I know come to my site is because there ARE all those things going on and occasionally they want to escape.

Oh and people don't want to "think" which is why American Idol gets more votes than the president will EVER even think of getting. Although I come from Cali, I won't even embarrasses myself by pointing out who are Governor is.

That is so, so sad.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Yes, as a Cali native, I am deeply embarassed by our governator as well.

Anonymous said...

it's too late for me as well, so I'm going to go with it. Thanks for the link! But about the votes...if we were allowed to vote more than once for president he might get more votes than the AI contestants.