Thursday, May 17, 2012


Yesterday was a total failure.

It was supposed to be Wonderful Family Adventure Day, as both your dad and I had the day off.

We were supposed to take you to a lovely park in San Francisco and spend the day reveling in lovely new adventures together.

But instead we could not get up in the morning.

It was one of those days that I woke up feeling like soemthing half-dead from the gutter.  Tired.  So very very tired.  After caring for you for about 35 minutes, I begged your dad to wake up and relieve me so I could go back to sleep.

He lasted a little longer--a little over an hour--and then begged me to relieve him so he could go back to sleep.

And then I wanted to desperately to take another nap.

As we played baby-sitter roulette, you took it all in stride.  Content to bounce around the house until we had enough energy to take you out to run some quick errands.

But, who are we kidding, you had a crappy, boring, uneventful day.

We owe you one.  Next time.  I promise.  We'll do something fun even if it kills us!

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