Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Androgenous Pat

If you have an Yahoo email account, you've probably seen this person before. He/she is one of the rotating pictures Yahoo has on its log-in page.

And it drives me crazy this a man or a woman?

Particular points of ambiguity:

1. The hair -- too long to be male, but not an obviously feminine style.

2. The jawline -- too strong to be female, but then again, some women do have big man-dibles. Think: Russian Women's Olympic Weightlifting...which brings me to my next point...

3. The shoulders -- looks a little too broad and beefy to be a female's. And lastly...

4. The clothing strap -- Is that from a halter top? (In which case it's a woman) Or a rare sighting of a strappy man-tank? (In which case it's a badly dressed man who's stuck in the fashion hell of the eighties and early nineties).

And I do wonder what's in that red plastic cup...a cocktail of orange juice and crushed hormone therapy pills?

It basically boils down to this: the hair, the sunglasses, and the strap says woman. But the man-dible and the beefy shoulders say man.

What do you think he/she is?


Alaberi said...

I vote for a woman. Although I'd be scared to find out the real answer (either way) I think I'd be horrified to find out that a man was wearing a woman's top and a woman's 'do. With Nicole Richie sunglasses, to boot. Please tell me it's a woman.

B.Amelia said...

I think it's a man. He or she is holding the cup pretty masculine. I've only known dudes to drink like that.

Anonymous said...

This is niether man or woman.
I saw this very being in the lower Polk street area of San Francisco having a gravel bath.
Absolutely terifying.
This poor, repugnant creature was either drunk or it was was so burdened with its insane clairvoyance that it could barely walk or hold on to its Burger King job.
So I took it home, nursed it back to health, tagged it with a tracking device and set it free in the Galapagos.