Saturday, October 09, 2010

55, 56, 57--Wed, Thu, Fri

Man, I'm getting behind on the blogging.

It's because life with you has become somewhat of a constant battle. You've become a really fussy eater, nursing for a couple minutes and then crying and writhing around. And, as always, your naps are high-maintenance ordeals. It's like nothing works anymore! (like Washington, ha ha)

I'm starting to suspect that you have bad reflux problems and that the inclined sleeper maybe making it worse. I read that a 60 degree incline actually worsens reflux!

That's too bad since the babysitter can actually have you nap really well in the sleeper and I started to have hope that I could too one day. Argh. Not sure what to do now though.

Poor baby. A rare smile.


Peggy E. said...

One thought I had... have you tried putting the sleeper in the bathroom so it's darker? But maybe now he's used to it being light...

keep trying!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Great minds think alike. I actually got black-out curtains for his nursery. I think it's been helping a little.