Sunday, November 28, 2010

106, 107, 108--Fri, Sat, Sun

Thanks to Mandi who suggested I take Judah to Kindermusic--I got the idea to play some piano for Judah. He was pretty attentive and smiley for over 30 minutes!

Maybe it's because these are songs he heard while he was in the womb.

This week was the best sleep I've ever had since Judah was born. I usually get 3.5 hours of sleep, feed Judah, and then get a 5.5 hour stretch. It's beautiful. I'm so glad we decided to sleep train him--and so thankful that he took to it so well.

His naps, however, are a poor 30 minutes each time. He wakes up crying and wailing and won't go back to sleep unless I put him in the ergo and bounce on the exercise ball.

And then he gets totally knocked out and looks so adorable.

There's nothing better than a sweet sleeping baby.


the McArthur Family said...

Judah's smile is adorable. I love that he loves watching you play...maybe the beginnings of a great pianist!?!

Unknown said...

that's one cute baby you guys made there!