Sunday, November 07, 2010

85, 86--Friday, Saturday

On Friday you got your first baby toy--Jacque the Peacock.

You loved staring at him and sampling his feathers with your mouth.

On Saturday, I got discouraged again because your nighttime habits have regressed to your early newborn stages--you woke up 4 times! It's so brutal when you only go 2 hours between feeding--it takes me 40 minutes to feed you and put you down, 40 minutes to fall back asleep myself, which leaves me almost no time to actually sleep.

I can't wait to sleep train you as soon as you finish your 3 month mark!


Anonymous said...

Micah loves that peacock! It's one of his few toys that he has continued to show interest toward for several months. For some reason I always find myself humming the three notes to the NBC tune when I give it to him.


Alice in Wonderland said...

That's hilarious. I didn't even think of NBC until now. Great, now that stupid tune will be stuck in my head every time I see that bird.