Friday, January 07, 2011


We went to the mom's group Thursday and found that you are suddenly the oldest baby in the group!

I guess all the older babies' mommies have gone back to work. There's another dude that's 3 days younger than you and his mom got laid off so she still attends too. All of a sudden, the group is feeling too "small" for you. We saw a lot of new moms and babies who attended for the first time. Most of the babies were under 10 weeks. They all looked so small!

Anyway, I became a gushing fountain of advice. From probiotics to sleep-training, I dispensed my age-old wisdom on it all (sarcasm intended). I also find that I'm giving advice to friends who are about to have babies too. It's so funny how I'm an "expert" all of a sudden on all things age 0-3 months. Of course I'm no expert, but I have read way too many baby books (got confused by them all) and went through trial by fire with you!

Here's a pic of our ridiculously large baby library. It's embarrassing how neurotic we are. (Ironically one of my favorite books isn't even here because it's on my kindle--Solve Your Child's Sleep Problem by Ferber).

I guess here and now is a good a place as any to record my hard-earned wisdom. I might need to remember this stuff for when we get you a sibling...

--Read the Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp and watch the DVD.

--Swaddle with the miracle blanket, or something like it.

--Don't buy a ton of diapers cuz your baby might blow through them.

--Line up a new mom's group and a breastfeeding support group.

--Know your local La Leche League number.

--Get the Nursing Mother's Companion.

--Make sure you have an exercise ball.

--Line up help and meals for at least 3 months.

--Get the Fisher Price My Little Lamb Cradle Swing.

--Use baby pro-biotics.

--Ignore the Baby Whisperer's advice when she says to continue as you mean to go on. Babies do magically change after the first 100 days so you don't have to worry about "spoiling" them with too much holding or swinging or sucking or whatever comfort measures you like.

--Don't wait too long to sleep train. If you wait until he's older your baby will just cry longer cuz he's stronger. I think the ideal time to start is around 3 months. Sleep training changed my life.

--Try to enjoy those first few weeks. It goes by so quickly! I wish I had taken more mental stock of your early weeks. I don't remember them at all cuz I was too busy stressing out. But at least we took lots of pictures so I can pretend to remember them.

Here's you at just 2 weeks old in all your baby-acne glory. I have no recollection of this period except that I was freaking out and a total zombie.

And here's you now, fat and sleek. And I cherish every moment of our day together.

We've come a long way baby!

1 comment:

the McArthur Family said...

He is so cute! Look how much he has grown...although he's always been big.