Friday, February 04, 2011

174, 175--Wed, Thu

Wednesday we went with your Uncle Will and Aunt Connie to see your great-grandpa and grandma to ring in the Lunar (not Chinese) New Year (see, mommy's so inclusive like that).

Great-Grandpa liked singing to you. Rather, he likes singing and you're a captive audience.

You're more used to your Uncle Will now and no longer fall apart when he holds you.

You love your Aunt Connie and tried to eat her face, as you do with all things you love.

Of course, you came home with some loot.

Here's you workin' hard for the money.

In other news, we've been taking you around in your new forward-facing stroller! You graduated from your little infant seat to a big boy "BOB" thanks to your dad's grandma.

We can't wait to take this on a hiking trail in a couple days. So far you seem to love it except when you're sleepy...or too bored. Hopefully this doesn't become a really expensive shopping cart!


the McArthur Family said...

I love his scrunched up little face as he is bitting into the money envelope. So, how much did he end up with?

Alice in Wonderland said...

He got $40--which we promptly spent on more toys for him!