Tuesday, February 15, 2011

186, 187--Mon, Tue: Future Obese Kid

I cannot believe what a crazy eater you've become lately. Just yesterday you decided that eating from a spoon was not good enough for you--you need to dump the contents of the entire bowl into your mouth!

I got a video of you eating like a starving madman. Mind you, this is your THIRD bowl, so it's not like you were going on an empty stomach by any means!


Marcus McArthur said...

OMG that's hilarious! Maybe he can lend a few excess pounds to Micah, kind of like donating your hair to cancer patients.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Lol! I (and my sore back) would love nothing better than to donate Judah's excess poundage to a good cause, like Micah. Seriously, Judah has major cellulite on his butt--good thing he's not a self-conscious teenage girl.

Ryan said...

Judah!! You crazy boy! It's ok...that baby fat will come right off.