Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pillow Talk

Every night after putting Noah to sleep, I sneak into Judah's room to say a quick good-night.

I tell him I'll stay with him for 5 minutes only and we have some nice mellow conversations.  I always tell myself to digitally record them (if I can only dig out my old recorder), but I'm especially sad I didn't record tonight's conversation.

At least I can kind of reconstruct it here:

Judah: Let's snuggle.  Close your eyes!  You my father-wife (his term for husband and wife).

[We snuggle.]

Judah: Noah is our boy, he's Judah.  And daddy is...Noah!  Daddy is a baby!

[Judah giggles mischievously.]

Judah: When I grow up, I'm going to be a real daddy.

Me:  That's good Judah.  You want to get married?

Judah: Yeah.

Me: Who are you going to marry?

Judah: You!

Me: That would be great but I'm already married to daddy.

Judah: Uh...can I marry Noah?


Judah:  Can I marry Mur-Mur?  (One of his favorite babysitters.)

Me:  Um, sure.  But what about marrying Alexa? (A friend his age at church.)

Judah:  No, I can't marry her.  She's just a girl.  She's not a grown-up.

Me:  But by the time you grow up, she will be all grown up too.

Judah: Oh!  Or I can marry [Judah lists the names of other little girls at church].  Or I can marry Christmas...

At which point I crack up and realize he has no idea what Merry Christmas means.

Good-night my sweet boy.

1 comment:

Arie said...

what a sweet boy! I love how he plays make believe with you :)