This week I did something a little risky. Something M and I haven't done in 5 years. I/we went on vacation!
With the economy whirling down the toilet and colleagues in my field being laid off like weeds sprayed with pesticide, I decided, nevertheless, to take a break. My firm's vacation policy is "use it or loose it" so I thought, what the heck, I'll use some of it.
And it was fabulous. We basically cobbled together several gift packages and discounts and booked a room at a fabulous resort lodge in Carmel Valley. It was one of those hoity-toity upper-crusty blue-blood places where the 24-hour valet attendant constantly wants to carry things for you and the guests all wear Brooks Brother khakis while driving their Lexuses. Ew.

But the rooms weren't half bad...and they did greet us with a glass of house wine from their own vineyard--an amazingly delicious (I don't even like wine) sauvignon blanc.

The food pantry and mini-bar were entirely FREE! The attendant said "complimentary" and I was like, "You mean free? All the food in the mini-fridge is free?!" I felt like such a hick.

I loved the ginormous bathroom with the double-person tub. I made good use of it too!

Check out the
complimentary bath salt and loofah sponge! Heck yeah.

Loved the sweet roses and fresh fruit decorating the room.

One of my favorite features--a blazing fire to cozy up the chilly nights.

The outside was just as nice as the inside. Spacious greens and beautiful landscaping adorned the rustic vineyard style buildings.

Had fun playing croquet and bocce ball on their greens--for the record I sucked way more than M.

Took a dip in their warming pool--it was probably 15 degrees warmer than their regular swimming pool, very nice!

But despite the fabulous accomodations, it was what we did
outside of the lodge that really made the trip unforgettable. To be continued...