Thursday, January 08, 2009

Brother can you spare some work?

Work has been slow.

I mean really slow. I mean like I-haven't-done-any-legitimate-work-in-21-days-and-counting slow. Like, why-get-dressed-in-the-morning-and-continue-the-pretense-that-I-am-anything-but-a-very-expensive-piece-of-office-decor sloooooooow.

I understand that the nature of corporate work is to be hot and cold. I've had these periods of slow-downs before. But they usually only last a few days, a week at most. Not 4 weeks! 4 WEEKS!

And the irony is I can't even put all this free time to good use. All day long this awful dread in my gut is sucking the lifeblood out of me. There are so many things I'd like to do (like find a doctor, go to Monterey, take music lessons) but I just don't have the motivation. I'm too occupied waiting for the sky to fall down on me--or more accurately, the axe.

This isn't tenable is it? During these tough economic times when firm after firm is freezing salaries and laying-off workers, when the unemployment rate is creeping up into double-digits, when California can't even pay their tax returns?!?!?!

How can my firm hold on to an absolutely idle worker?

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