Wednesday, July 08, 2009

**Dispatch from the frontlines of the corporate firm world

1800 hours

Death by a thousand papercuts ensues.

I have become a drafting machine.

I eat, drink, pee and draft. That is all I do for 14 hours a day.

Provisions in the barracks (read: office) have been replenished with almonds and chocolate.

When will this barrage of work cease? It has lasted for a record 3 months now and no real end in sight.

Must take vacation before more work gets piled on.

Alice out.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully it's not because your company has had lay offs!

Alice in Wonderland said...

No, thankfully. I now realize my company actually takes pride in its fiscal conservatism and makes it a point to not lay anyone off due to economic downturns...pretty sweet for us workers!