Sunday, September 16, 2007

The End of Student-hood

It's slowly dawning on me that this is my last year here. In law school. On the East Coast. As a student.

From here on out, if everything goes according to plan, I will be a working stiff, a homebody, and never again, a formal student.

This year should be the last year of two decades of schooling. (Wow, that's a lot of debt!)

And how do I feel about it?

Quite relieved actually. I've never liked formal education. From here on out, I can study what I want and ignore what I don't care about. I will only write what I feel and not care about the page limit. I will learn for the sake of learning and not for that cursed grade, that ever threatening and ominous shadow that sucks the life and joy out of the naturally invigorating experience of learning!

But of course, without the whip and lash of the grade, I may never actually try to learn again, lazy mind that I am.


Alaberi said...

It's the beginning of the end--not quite the end! We still have a WHOLE NOTHER year of learning, reading...exams... :-0

And playing guitar! And hanging out! :D

tiptoptam said...

i left a post yesterday and i have no idea what happened to it! but the gist of it was that there's nothing to feel guilty about if you stop actively trying to learn stuff after being done with school. the system is set up so that we do all our learning upfront when we have the greatest number of brain cells. see, we EARN our future years of couch potato-ism! anyway, i'm selfishly looking forward to you finishing and coming back to the bay area ;)

Alice in Wonderland said...

Alaberi - Does the last year really count? I have major senioritis. Ugh.

Tammy - You are absolutely right about the frontloading. Well, I'll be back before you know it, with less brain cells than ever before!

I am so getting Alzheimers...