Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Can I get a what what?

I miss the good ol' days when "A"s were handed out like Halloween candy--to pretty much every kid who showed up.

The "A"s started thinning out around college and now law school is down right brutal. I can't begin to express how much I hate the classic bell curve.

And it's not that the grades actually matter, because they don't. (I could get the same job pulling straight "A"s as I can with straight "B"s). But its the symbolism that counts.

"A" means good job.
Well done.
Excellent work.
You rock!

"B" means eh.

And that's what I miss most of all. The ego-stroking. It's so hard to get praise as you get older. Everyone gives kids so much darn credit for just standing there and looking effortlessly cute. "You're such a good boy!" "What a good helper you are!" "Gold star for you!"

But what about adults?

We need it just as much as kids (if not more), but suddenly, the well starts to run dry. Unless you are the creme de la creme, you will never hear a "good job." Employers expect you to do your job well--that's status quo. Thus you'll never hear a peep of praise unless you do your job freakishly well.

So for those of you who are superstars and always "feel the love"--good for you. I hate you and am secretly jealous.

But for the rest of us, the gigantic bulging middle of the curve, I say, solidarity brothers. Life is hard and praise is skimpy.

So let's remember to systematically lower the bar for each other.


kony said...

what what from over here, girlfriend! thanks for a great laugh. i'd lower the bar for you anyday! wait, that sounded wrong. you know what i mean. :)

Alaberi said...

Alice, (part of) what I love about you is your brutal honesty - this post was magnificently genuine. I love you for it.

And by the way, on MY bell curve of friends, you are at the A+ end.

tiptoptam said...

wow, you really brightened my day! :) I agree with Alaberi. Gold star for you!!!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Aw shucks you guys! I'm so feelin' the love now. What a self-serving post this turned out to my great delight! ;-)

B.Amelia said...

Yeah for B's!! My transcript is littered with them.