Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh yeah, did I mention I'm "pregnant"?

Yeah, I'm "pregnant." Not pregnant, but "pregnant."

The quotes stand for my skepticism. I mean, honestly, I don't feel pregnant.

It's been almost 3 and a half months since I missed my period and peed on a stick and I've had a little nausea and dry-heaving (and some boob soreness), but other than that, no real indications that I'm expecting.

I guess I always thought of pregnancy as a fast moving train--once you jump on, you'd zoom through an alternate life that is foreign, fast-paced and uncomfortable until your child turns 18 and finally leaves the nest.

No one prepared me for how slooooooow pregnancy really is. I mean, it's been almost 4 months and I've only gained 5 pounds. 5 pounds?! That's a night of letting loose at the Cheesecake Factory. That's a regular week of pms bloating on any given month. That's the unwanted consequence of buying a 24-pack of Pringles from Costco against your better judgment. Come on!

I was shocked to learn that after 3 months of pregnancy you're only supposed to gain 2 pounds. That's it!

And forget about my long pre-conceived notion (excuse the pun!) that pregnancy is a fat-shield that would allow me to indulge like an obese kid at a Vegas buffet. I'm sorely disappointed that I'm supposed to eat as healthy as possible and, as mentioned, gain so little weight.

I told the bosses last week that I'm expecting and now word has spread to most people in the office. But every time someone says congratulations I feel a twinge of guilt, like, don't congratulate me yet, I'm not sure I'm pregnant!

I mean, if it weren't for the grainy ultrasound pictures I saw at the doctor's office, I wouldn't believe it at all.

Even now, a large part of me wonders...


Tammy said...

You learn something new every day! I had no idea that pregnancy was so slow either. But maybe it's a defense mechanism. You get a couple of months to get acclimated to the idea that a foreign being has invaded your body (I didn't mean that sound as sci fi as it does). If the consequences of invasion were apparent right away it'd be scary. This way you're used to the idea before the big changes really start to happen.

Also, I know for a fact that you burn several hundred calories a day when you're breast-feeing so I guess breast-feeding does act like a fat shield.

On a positive note, pregnancy might not be a fat shield but it is most definitely a grumpy hormonal shield which gives you free reign to act nuts!! Who couldn't use a little of that, am I right?

Finally, congrats again Christina! :)

Alice in Wonderland said...

Ooo, I like that--grumpy hormonal shield. I'm gonna use that!

Actually pregnancy has been a really great don't-fire-me-even-if-I-suck shield. I've fallen asleep during important client conference calls but instead of yelling at me, my boss tells me I'm doing a great job and that I should get more rest for the baby!

insaknitty said...

congratulations! your brother actually spilled the beans to me a few weeks back... I'm glad that your pregnancy has been uneventful to the point where you don't even feel pregnant. ;) all that healthy eating is really overrated anyway. go ahead and eat what you want!

Alaberi said...

Hehehe -- I'm sure the reality will hit you soon enough, C. :) It will go from I'm "pregnant" to I'm pregant. To "I'm PREGNANT!" to... (point to belly) "Duh."

Peggy E. said...

Yeah, the first trimester is such a doozie. It's not fun to not be able to have anything to show for all the gestating you're doing! During the 3rd trimester though, it's almost like you can't wait to get it over with (for me at least).

Portia said...

Congratulations!!! (I can say it now!)

So exciting!! Don't worry - the second trimester is the BEST part of pregnancy. Soon you'll be feeling the baby move and you'll get a little bump, and you'll have energy you forgot about, etc. It's awesome. And there will be no denying it at that point!

I'm so excited for you guys. Keep us updated!