Gone are the days I used to work hard at the office and then enjoy a couple hours vegging out at home afterward.
Oh no, those days are far, far gone.

Being a working mom means you sweat bullets at the office, and then go home to a fussy, clingy, needy, squirmy, demanding little man. For those of you with "easy" babies, you probably have no idea how exhausting it is to take care of a "non-easy" baby, or as they say, a "high-need" baby. Just know that I hate you. I hate you and your easy, quiet angel. Just kidding, hate is a strong word. I mean, I'm insanely jealous.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, after work you deal with said fussy little man and fight an epic bedtime battle--you bounce, and shush, and nurse, and nurse, and nurse, and bounce some more, and maybe read another bedtime story, and nurse some more, until he finally goes down. And then do you get a break? No, silly naive human. You then must log on back to work until your bedtime! But forget about a good night's sleep! ha ha ha.
And no matter how late little man goes down, he ALWAYS wakes up at 6am!
And gone are the days when I used to look forward to the weekend--a good couple days of R&R before the crazy work week rolls around again.
Oh no. Weekends are perhaps more exhausting since you wrestle with little man ALL. DAY. LONG.
The weekends actually make me LOOK FORWARD to getting back in the office!