Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wanted: Mothers

Everyone should have a Mom.  Pity the fools who don't.

Moms are always there to encourage you.  They celebrate every little thing you do, even if it's no big deal and everyone else can do it and you're actually a little slow in figuring out how to do it.  In fact, each time you even attempt to do that thing--whatever it is that you can't do and everyone else can--they cheer you on and say "You can do it!  Good try!"

And when you fail, Moms are always there to catch you, pick you up, scrape you off, hug the sting away.  Set you up so you can try again.  And fail again.  And try yet again.  Only to fail again.  And then suggest we try something else!

Moms give you a roomful of toys and books and take you on outings to give you new experiences and broaden your perspective.  If you show an interest in animals, they point them out wherever you go.  If you like cars, they get you car books and puzzles and stickers and t-shirts.  They delight in whatever you delight in and encourage you in the direction of your natural interests.

And when you're tired and hungry--as we all get from time to time--you can always turn to Mom to rock you to sleep, sing you a lullabye, get you a snack, fix you a meal, any time, every day.  Nevermind that Mom is hungry and tired too.  You'd never know it from the way she meets your every basic need--unless you are particularly observant while she scarfs down the bits of food you left on your tray.

And the kisses.  The never ending pecks and smooches.  The snuzzles and cuddles and hugs.  They are like breathing and walking--so constant and ubiquitous you'd never notice until they were gone.

Sadly, some moms are not Moms.  It's one thing to have a child.  It's another thing entirely to be a Mom.

Would that everyone had at least one person
who always wanted to hear about your day,
who always dropped what they were doing when you need them most, and
who was immeasurably proud of you
for no good reason--which is the best reason of all.


Mommy Lyn said...
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Mommy Lyn said...

This post made me tear up. I didn't appreciate my mom as much until I became a mom myself.

juhee said...

This is so touching, Christina! Such a wonderful glimpse of how the Lord sees & cares for us in ways we can't fathom. A great reminder to maintain a childlike faith!