Thursday, August 04, 2005

Moving Time!

(This is our actual building!)

We move into our new place this Saturday! Yay!

I'm so excited to get settled in to our fabulous new apartment. I've moved in and out of apartments thousands of times before, but this time, it's different.

This time I'm really excited. Even though we've never even looked inside it, it already seems like the ideal space. And, it's got something I have never before had, a second bedroom!

Also, there's something great about knowing that (God willing) it is ours for the next 3 years. Ours to decorate and cherish and call our own.

I can't wait to make it efficient yet tasteful. Streamlined, yet graceful. Both aesthetically and ergonomically pleasing.

Maybe I'll have a L-shaped desk with a back-friendly chair. File cabinets neatly labelled. Closets purged of all but the 20% that I wear 80% of the time. It's time to get organized!

I'll be channelling my inner Martha (or rather a smaller, more frugal version of the paladin of polish).

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