Thursday, September 28, 2006

The one in which I defy my every inclination to be inert

Have you ever felt so bone-tired that the air seems thick as molasses?

And you tell yourself there is no way you're going to be able to lift your fat ass off the couch and drag it all the way to your desk to crack open a text book?

And then, ever so slowly, moving one millimeter per second, you actually, miraculously, find yourself sitting upright in front of your computer with the words "Tax Expenditures and Public Policy" in front of your glazed eyes?

Welcome to my world.

Now that interviews are in full swing, my schedule seems way too overcrowded. I can't believe I'm actually reduced to less than an hour of TV watching a day. That's just not going to work. Something's gotta' give.

1 comment:

Alaberi said...

somehow I thought the blue background was not how it was before....hmmm. mystery of mysteries.

Hang in there, Christina! Sounds like you're having a tough week (your OCI schedule was crazy) - my advice: kick up your feet, watch some TV, and let tax expenditures go for the evening. It survived without you before, so it can survive without you tonight. :-)

Hope to see you soon.