Friday, November 24, 2006

Beauty and the Beast Syndrome

I recently heard my beautiful friend say that her husband is "So cute and so handsome." It totally caught me off guard because he's totally NOT. If I may put it midly, he's like a shriveled up corpse-like bobblehead.

It's interesting how, quite often, men do not have to be physically beautiful to be considered attractive to women.

This is a lesson that can be easily gleaned from a reliable source of modern anthropological behavior, the supermarket tabloid:

Exhibit A: Hot Christina Aguilera and her short, scrawny husband.

Exhibit B: Hot Jennifer Lopez and her shriveled-up corpse-like husband.

And, the quintessence of Beauty and the Beast Syndrome, Exhibit C: Hot Victoria Secret's supermodel Heidi Klum and her craggy-faced husband.

Why is it that this does not happen in reverse? You almost never see hot guys with significantly less attractive looking women. In fact, when women hit their 40's, most husbands start seeing a little honey-on-the-side.

Evolutionary psychologists would probably say that a woman's aesthetics indicates her healthfulness and thus her ability to bear healthy children. Men, on the other hand, don't need to look good to evolve successfully. They need to be a "good provider", which does not necessarily correlate to physicality...

But that's not really true. Back in the day, it was the strongest, buffest cavemen who caught the kill right?

Once in junior high, a teacher explained that men are "turned on" by visual things, whereas women are "turned on" by romantic gestures. Ha ha ha. That's a gross thing to hear from your teacher, but whatever, the man was just trying to relay to us the facts of life, I guess. And I suppose that does explain the Beauty and the Beast syndrome.

So single guys, drop the dumbbells and pick up some Shakespeare.


Will said...

Once you are among the most beautiful people in the world, you have little choice but to date someone plainer looking. That explains the celebrity matchups.

Alice in Wonderland said...

But they aren't just plain. They're plainer than average.

Anonymous said...

That is TOO funny. I say the exact same thing about J.Lo and Marc Anthony (aka Skeletor). Men should consider themselves lucky that women are less physically superfically--a big bank account and a few pretty compliments go a long way towards blinding us to things like skeletor features.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Amen Tammy. Actually, with a very smooth tongue, even the big bank account is optional!