As I plopped my butt down in front of the boobtube, as is my wont, guess what I chanced to see?
An entire hour of The View dedicated to the topic of women and depression. Their guest was saying how she knew she was depressed because of her
extremely low-energy and the fact that she watched
a lot of QVC.
That sentence struck me like a lightening bolt.
Meet some of my best friends:
Ever since last year I've been a newly converted devotee of HSN, the local cable counterpart of QVC. Instead of quickly flipping past Channel 70 with slight annoyance, like any sane person would do, I started to just let my fingers pause on the remote and let the sound of the snakeoil salesmen and women wash over me like a warm stream of sunshine in a cold dark living room.

It's something about their tone of voice. So cheerful, so optimistic, so concerned for us to enhance our lives by buying their products. Is it wrong to be attracted to such love and joy exuding from a fellow human being?

Many times I just leave the tv on as I do other chores simply to have that positive energy flowing around the apartment at all times.

(Shivan's my favorite. When people ask her how she's doing she always responds: Happy happy!)
It's exactly what a depressed person needs.