Friday, July 06, 2007


And yes, I mean a literal flash.

As I descended the steps to the subway terminal I glanced at the girl in front of me. Did I see, oh my, what? Yes. Indeed. A nipple.

I stared at the girl in Southeast Asian costume jewelry and a long skirt. She was clearly decked out in some cultural performance costume. And she was bare-breasted.


There she was. Lovely and dark and descending the steps of the Embarcadero subway station in Downtown San Francisco. Topless.

If I weren't rushing off to catch a train I would've followed her around to look at other people's reactions. For the 5 seconds she was in my sight I didn't notice any gawking or dropped jaws. And I think that shocked me most of all: that no one seemed to notice.


Anonymous said...

That's it! San Francisco is officially too hippy for me.

kony said...

welcome to the gay area! i'll be in embarc. on thurs., if you're still around. :)