Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Legal Gems

Sometimes in the midst of reading dry legal materials, you come accross some inspired prose that jolts you out of your humdrum malaise with a snort and a chortle, like this passage from my professional responsibility treatise:

"To put it cynically, lawyers think they should be required to keep secrets where disclosure could avoid a grievous harm to others,...but they should be permitted to disclose relevant information when their own butts are in the sling."

Ha ha ha ha! Butts in a sling! That kills me! How often do you get to see the word 'butt' in legal texts? Ha ha ha.

Ok, clearly lawschool has deeply eroded my standards for what's funny.

1 comment:

tiptoptam said...

I think that's funny! If you ever want to laugh in law school you have to squeeze as much as you can anytime there is even the slightest display of a sense of humor. Are you going through finals right now? If so, good luck!!!