Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Things Fall Apart

On the immediate aftermath of a recent implosion, I still can't understand what happened. The end of an era, a dream--I knew it was too good to be true!

Things just fell apart.

Was it my fault? All of ours? What could have been done to save it? Why try ever again? Is it something I should file under "Q" for quixotic?

All I know is this. If you weren't on the same page to begin with, you shouldn't be surprised if one day you realize you're not even reading the same book.

And then you wonder if you really have anything in common at all? What's the point of it at all? Can there really be a relationship--much less a friendship--if conversation is strained, affiliation is lacking and interests are non-over-lapping?

What are we doing here then?


tiptoptam said...

Oh dear. It's all a bit cryptic so I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to, but it doesn't sound good :( What would cheer you up? Hmm, in a couple of weeks you will be that much closer to the end of law school....cheery thought, right? :)

Alice in Wonderland said...

Thanks Tammy, that's so sweet of you. I couldn't bring myself to list the details, but I suppose I should at least say it has nothing to do with Michael. (He's been bugging me to announce that).

I guess its just about the fraying of relationships in general...the feeling of loss when you realize you are all alone even while you're with them.

tiptoptam said...

I know exactly what you mean...the worst is being with people who make you feel more lonely than when you're actually alone.

kony said...

i feel like that about so many "friends"!! that lurking suspicion about not being on the same page.

it reminds me of that verse in john: if they left us, it's cuz they were never with us to begin with. oh dear, i just butchered the bible. oh, well.

anyway, if it wasn't meant to be, i wish you well in your emotional healing and moving-on. hopefully nothing a good dose of hsc + husband can't fix? not necessarily in that order?
