Sunday, October 09, 2011

A Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz

You love reading books right before bedtime. I say, "Do you want to read some books?" And you say "Uhhhh!" and point toward your stack on the counter.

Right now you're really into Dr. Seuss' ABC Book. You like to try out the sound of the letter 'b' and 't'. When I say, "Baby barber bubble bumble-bee" you say "buh buh buh".

You love the ending when I say "Zizzer......zazzer.....zuzzzzzzzzzz!" and tickle your tummy. Dr. Seuss was a genius.


Winn said...

yay for reading!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Thanks for starting us off on that. Without your baby board books I would have never thought to read to a baby!