Tuesday, January 10, 2012

24-7 365

This weekend I caught some awful flu bug and it sucked.

In the past, I actually didn't mind getting sick all that much.  As a kid, it led to staying home from school and watching tv all day, which I totally loved.  As an adult, it led to staying home home from work and watching tv all day--hey, why mess with what works?!

But as a mom of a little man, it totally sucks (when there's no one to help you out).

Forget passing out on the couch and recuperating with some netflix.  There's a small person running around, needing to be picked up, fed, diapered, napped and generally entertained.  And the cherry on top is you can't take regular cold meds if you're nursing (yep, still nursing!  Trust me, not really my idea here).

There is no calling in 'sick' as a mom.  There are no sick days for you to check out and not move a muscle while your head is pounding from congestion and your body is wracked with feverish aches.  Being a mom/parent is a 24-7, 365 gig and it is exhausting!

Thankfully Spouse was there to help a bit, but he was also sick and had weekend work.  Several times we looked at each other said an oft-repeated sentiment in this house--How in the world do single moms do it?!


insaknitty said...

we do a lot of weeping! and sometimes sobbing. ;) hope you feel better soon!

Alice in Wonderland said...

My sincerest condolences and deepest respect goes out to you! Seriously, you have got to be made of steel to survive babyhood and toddlerdom on your own!!!

the McArthur Family said...

It is so hard! Poor you! I'm glad I haven't gotten anything really painful yet...but I guess I will see how it goes with two soon!