Sunday, January 22, 2006

Four weeks late, but just as "Merry"!

Some of you may recall a certain blog entry last month that was full of the pain and anguish of disappointment.

I was upset because Michael and I would not be able to take our holiday pictures in time to send out Christmas cards.

Those of you single gals and guys may mock my devotion to holiday greeting cards, but (back me up married ladies), it somehow starts to matter a lot when you're married. Marriage does strange things to women (maybe I only speak for myself). But all of a sudden I find myself starting to wear pearls, using placemats and coasters, scrapbooking, and caring about holiday cards!

Well anyway, several weeks later, we took the picture. And I happily signed, sealed, and will deliver all my greeting cards tomorrow. (Did you know the postage rate was raised to 39 cents?! Sheesh!)

Of course we are many weeks shy of Christmas, and a few weeks too late for New Year's, so they are officially our Chinese New Year cards.

The picture we sent in (below) is admittedly not everything I had hoped for. But atleast there was snow in the background, which is what mostly matters for this pair of native Californians experiencing their first white winter.

So from the bottom of our fobby hearts, we wish you:
xin nien kuai le

(p.s. School starts tomorrow so I just updated Law and Disorder. It was a nice long break while it lasted.)


Anonymous said...

That's such a cute picture! And yes, I do agree with you, being married has gotten me into stuff I would have never dreamed of doing...scrapbooking and even quilting!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Thank you Jen! And now that you mention it, I guess I should confess that since getting married, I've taken up knitting! Let's face it, we're just old maids now.

kony said...

That's really a great picture of you both. Wait... is that really a pink tie? Not that there's anything wrong with pink, of course. :D

Alice in Wonderland said...

ha ha. Well, Kony, in Michael's defense, I must say that the tie is actually finely striped red and silver. But, for all practical purposes, yup, it's pink.

Who knew the old curmudgeon had a soft side?

Suz said...

AWWWWW. That's so cute! I know what you mean--being married has done the same thing to me--especially the pearls and the Christmas cards!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Shucks y'all...thanks for the sweet comments. I get all misty reading're the best.

Alaberi said...

I agree with Peggy's comment - but it's a super-cute picture all the same!