Thursday, May 04, 2006

Today and Tomorrow

Well, today is a good day, I guess.

Today was the last day of instruction and thus the end of a long reign of terror for me. I can finally heave a great sigh of relief, knowing that I will not get called on in class anymore and inevitably be caught with my intellectual pants down.

Hurray for pants.

Speaking of which, today also marks the unofficial beginning of pants-lessness. It was a very sunny 70 degrees out and from now on I must shave my legs (after 7 months of hibernation) and will wear only shorts, capris, and skirts.


But we're not altogether out of the woods yet. For there are still final exams to take, final papers to write, and tomorrow it will rain again,...but I will be wearing a SKIRT, thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

seven months! does this mean your husbadn doesn't mind you not shaving!?

Alice in Wonderland said...

Ha! I tell you the absolute truth: One of my chief criteria for dating him in the first place was that he had to have extremely hairy legs so no matter how unkept I am, he looks like a forest in comparison...and thus wouldn't complain. What can I say, it worked!

B.Amelia said...

Good luck with final exams, i'm positive you will do good. I hate when a professor decides to call on students i try to hide behind whatever or whoever is around me to avoid saying anything stupid.

Good Luck!!! =)