Friday, April 28, 2006


The last episode of Six Feet Under showed a beautiful collage of all the main characters and how they died. The last five minutes of the show fast-forwarded through an eighty year period and froze at important moments in the characters' lives (like weddings and deaths).

It was incredibly comforting to know how small things (that seem like a big deal now) are really nothing in light of impending death.

No one ever looks back at their life and thinks: I regret never losing those last five pounds. Or, I wonder what so-and-so (someone I barely know) thinks of me? Or, I wish I had studied more.

Is it morbid to be so cheered and comforted at the thought of death?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know, I think I'd rather stress about the present than think about a future in adult diapers and arthritis where none of those past stresses matter. The death part doesn't bother me that much.