Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Elusions of Grandeur, Delusions of Fame

You know what I really miss? I miss having illusions of grandeur.

That’s the great thing about being a kid. You can dream that one day, you will be the shizzle. You will manifest some hidden talent, some special skill, that will catapult you to fame and glory beyond the anticipation of the mere mortals who daily underestimate your true worth. (See e.g., Luke Skywalker).

But part of growing up is hitting the shizzle ceiling. At some point, you realize you’re not that smart, you’re not that funny, you’re not that cute, and people don’t like you that much.

What once was an unlimited universe of possibility slowly becomes a cramped bathroom stall to which you know you must be resigned, short of winning the lottery...and even then it's a shaky proposition as money can only take you so far.

Some would say that those are the ramblings of a pessimist. But I say that those are the reasonable viewpoints of a REALIST. Because, let’s face it people, the older you get, the uglier. The dumber. The less able to learn, adapt, and attract.

I had hoped one day to look like Christie Turlington. To end poverty. To influence popular culture. To be brilliant. To be able to express my innermost thoughts with the ease and skill of history’s most celebrated artists.

But now I must be content with my finite realm of mediocre abilities and limited resources.

And that, my friends, is how you know you are all grown up.


Anonymous said...

Well...I think you're smart, funny, cute--and I DO like you quite a bit. So...you can keep your illusions of grandeur with respect to your homey over here. :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Alaberi--you're doing pretty well on all those fronts. And I'd still like to believe in the awesomeness of winning the lottery.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Aw shucks. You two are the best. Who needs real clout when you have good friends. ;-)

B.Amelia said...

Well i have now decided to never grow up...sorry you cannot change my mind now =)

Alice in Wonderland said...

Good for you Beckett (or should I call you Peter Pan!). I wish I never grew up either. I think I would have had more a fighting chance if I had read more fiction.

Morris said...

Have you been bit by the myspace bug yet?

I find where ever I go strange people come up to me. It's no different online

Super Ego said...

My dad once told me, "aging is a progression of losses"
How would he know. He's never been on the other side. Whatever.
It's all relative.
I had no dream as a tot that I really thought would come true. I felt I was an uncoordinated, talentless, lost bundle of misunderstanding.
As I age into senile delirium, things are getting better. As I develop new fears and learn about the futility of it all, I am also overcoming old fears and throwing off the chains logic!
And knowing you; someone with real talent and a real brain, I think you are just at odds with some of the concessions you are making.
Don't sweat it too much, these are all things that will change.
You're a superstar waiting to happen.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Thanks Ego, especially for reminding me that the joys of senility await! That's something even a realist can't deny.

Anonymous said...

yo alice - yeah that leaf was on super-steroids...maybe it's from an athlete's tree or something.

if you don't mind the fudge being like six days old, lemme know and I'll bring a piece for you on sunday! it's wayyyyyyy too sweet for me.