Thursday, January 11, 2007

Disturbing News of the World

CNN recently reported on the continuing feud between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell.

Today all the major news sources carried stories about David Beckham and Posh moving to LA.

Why are these things major news? What happened to the good old days when stuff like this was simply on page 10 of the living section? Seriously, does anyone else think this is disturbing?


Anonymous said...

Yes, it bothers me. But I must admit, I watched the Golden Globe Awards last night instead of the evening news - and enjoyed it. :)

Super Ego said...
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Super Ego said...

People are disgusting sheep who pray to their television sets :) (happy!)

And as far as opiates go, I don't really know which is worse for the masses; a coliseum or a television.

As I sit down to watch the new season of american idol, I will recline with regrets. Reclining myself, declining myself, maligning myself.
Disabled, by tonights programming I'll mull over the manipulative machinations of the media. I'll find an excuse to ignore the indifference induced by the opulent images before me, and fantasize about becoming the american iconoclast :)

Super Ego said...

Oh! By the way, Happy New Year Alice!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Happy New Year to you Ego.

You are too funny. People are disgusting sheep (and I'm sheep #1) but I thought our last bastion of hope, CNN, would not succumb to the degeneration of mind and soul brought on by the cruel forces of capitalism and marketing. Nothing in this world is pure anymore. I feel so disillusioned I want to reach for a ganja a snack during Idol (which is so morbidly addictive).