Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Love at Harvard

This Korean mini-series is the WORST thing I have ever seen. Period.

I've been watching it regularly to improve my Chinese (it's dubbed in Mandarin so, yes, the mouths don't match the voices). But I find myself getting oddly addicted to it...

It's like a train-wreck, so horrible, you can't look away. Anyone looking for a good guffaw and endless chuckles, look no further.


nafrica said...

I feel I must defend my peeps: well, the drama show is pretty bad...but, I'm impressed at how demure Koreans are in dress (I haven't seen much skin).

Alice in Wonderland said...

Ha ha ha. Go to any Chinese bookstore in the Bay Area and I guarantee you it will be stocked. My dad got me the set, Christmas gift.

B.Amelia said...

See that is probably something i would watch.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Hmm...Beckett, I never would've taken you for a masochistic TV watcher. But who am I to talk.