Friday, June 29, 2007

Travelblogue: Week 6 of 13

Monday, June 18th: Back to work

I never thought I'd say this, but it was great to be back. After hell-week my quiet office stocked with snacks and water seems like a haven of rest and quiet. I almost forget I'm at work until I get my next assignment late in the day.

My next case is Wilma Jones (name changed for confidentiality). We're trying to reduce her murder sentence by pleading a defense built around domestic violence. Her life story comes straight out of some hard-journalistic documentary on crack-addicts, welfare moms, and abusive men. I'm thrilled to work on Wilma's case, not because I particularly care about her, but because I find criminal law fascinating.

Tuesday, June 19th: Hi-ho, hi-ho

For the first time in many years I actually look forward to going to work in the mornings. Crim law rocks. Spent all day reading about domestic violence theories of defenses and sordid tales of abuse and dysfunction. Kind of hits too close to home and causes some introspection on my part. Hmmm, this explains a lot...

Went to the beautiful home of one of the partners for dinner and a cooking class. We all donned blue aprons from the Hands-on Gourmet before making various parts of our meal: sushi, pulled-mozarella salad, crab cakes, tandoori chicken, and rasberry filled donuts.

Frankly there was a lot of standing around and drinking while the Hands-on staff did all the cooking as we watched on. Ha! But I was glad to finally learn how to make sushi after all these years of enjoying it.

Wednesday, June 20th: More "work"

Had another fun day researching domestic violence stuff. Had an awkward lunch with two older partners who are pretty quiet. Think: crickets chirping for two hours with occasional awkward phrases. Keep head down, chew, smile, sip some water.

Thursday, June 21st: Wilma, I hardly knew ya'

Today I was told to put the Wilma case away while I worked on a more pressing issue for a corporate client. I don't mind, but the Wilma stuff was just getting good! I hope Wilma's case is still waiting for me when I finish with this new assignment.

Friday, June 22nd: Don't remember.

I can't recall anything worth noting about today...

Saturday, June 23rd: Napa Trip

Today my firm rented a mini-bus and took about 12 of us on an all day wine-tasting excursion in Napa, where else?

Our first stop was Neal Vineyards, owned by Mr. Neal who is a wine FANATIC. The man makes his wine for pleasure, not for profit and subsidizes his operations with funds from other commercial transactions. If you ever want QUALITY cabernets and zinfandels, think Neal. He spares no expense.

Then we had some good ol' fashioned "American" food at Taylor's. I don't know why my coworkers were surprised that I chowed down on a huge cheeseburger. Somehow people always assume I'm vegetarian. They could not be MORE wrong.

Next we went to Merryvale for a fun food-wine pairing experiment in the cavernous Beauty-and-the-beast-like cask room. I wish I had my wedding reception here (instead it was in a student rec room, yuck!) I'm already thinking, Anniversary Dinner...?

We paired cheeses, salt, lemons, and chocolate with various wines to see how they affected each other. I'll be the first to admit, my taste buds are not discriminating. I just enjoyed chowing down on the cheese and chocolate.

Lastly we visited a small winery that focuses on mixing wines together. I was all "wined out" and just sipped water and played some croquet!

I won two for two! And yes, I cheated some.

1 comment:

kony said...

abt the dv hitting close to home -- me too!