Thursday, May 22, 2008

Adventures of the Odd Couple in Boston

Every yin needs a yang and every Christina needs a Peggy.

We used to joke that we were foils, and for as long as I've known her (going on 21 years now!) it's still totally true.

Peggy loves attention, I hate it.
Peggy loves to play, I feel uncomfortable playing.
Peggy lives by the motto "Do what you like, like what you do," and I'm not even sure I can tell you what I "like."

So of course it makes perfect sense that despite living in Boston for 3 years, it wasn't until Peggy's visit that I finally experienced some of the touristy stuff this historical city has to offer. I went on the Freedom Trail for the first time, I had my first (and second) bowl of authentic New England clam chowder, and I went to my first Boston Red Sox game in Fenway Park.

Some pictures from our adventures:

Granary Burial Ground--known as the "Westminster Abbey of America" since anyone who was anyone in Colonial days was buried here. Famous dead people include: Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams.

The tombstones had pretty winged skulls on them. They look so benign--like if Sanrio came out with a death inspired line of stationary characters.

Michael warned us that Paul Revere's tomb is impossible to find and he had tried before without success. We found it without even trying because it was so obvious! Makes me wonder if he's really literate...hmmmm.

Ye Olde Union Oyster House--the "oldest restaurant in America."

Here we are enjoying our first authentic bowl of New England chowda'...

...and some fish and chips.

Faneuil Hall--called the "Cradle of Liberty" and "the home of free speech." The first floor was a marketplace while the second was the proverbial "marketplace of ideas."

In the town meeting hall pictured here Bostonians protested "taxation without representation." Famous abolitionists like Frederick Douglas also spoke out here.

Old North Church--made famous by Longfellow's line "one if by land, two if by sea." But what I found really entertaining were the pew cubicles.

Congregants would rent their own pew cubbies and have their family names engraved on them. This was the church's way of making money (and much more dependable than tithing!) The closer you were to the front, the more expensive your cubby.

Congregants would also upholster their pews and bring furniture from home to spice it up. Here's a picture of a nicely decorated pew.

Fenway Park--Home of the Boston Red Sox!

We thought we would show our spirit by buying some $3 shirts at the bargain bin. The only ones in our size said "Yankees Suck." We felt kind of stupid wearing them since the Sox were playing the KC Royals. Oh get what you paid for!

The crowd went wild at the end because it was a historical game--a no hitter!

Thanks Peg, that was fun!

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