Tuesday, April 17, 2012

All in a Day's Play

Last week at the Children's Creativity Museum you were one busy bee.

You did some coloring with markers (which is contraband in our house),

You got into other people's karaoke videos,

You met a new friend at the fountain,

You splashed around another fountain to my horror as the sign says "nonpotable water",

You splashed around in mud puddles (I'm starting to see that you really like playing in water),

and enjoyed running around the Moscone exhibit center while bewildered business men looked on (there was some kind of boring applied chemicals convention going on).

But by far, the highlight of your day was the "Ca-da-da" (translation: Carousel)!

You were fascinated by these beautiful moving figures, but too scared to ride on them. Everytime we said "Judah, do you want to go on the carousel?" you'd do the sign for scared (patting your chest) and pant "No! No!"

This was the closest you ever got (which took a lot of coaxing).

Maybe next time you'll let us put you on it while it's stationary!

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