Monday, June 25, 2012

So Far, So Better

Life with you just keeps getting better and better!

Btw, I have to say that I really do NOT like this hat (go Bears!).  It was a gift though so watchagonnado.

We started out on a rocky footing--hello colick, thank you for destroying any semblance of sanity I've ever had.  But it's been a steady, albeit still exhausting, trajectory upward and onward towards...betterness!

You are so much more indendent now.  You can walk, go up and down stairs, get your own toys, etc.  You don't need boob juice anymore.  You sleep all night (have been for a while now).

And you're fun!  So much fun!  You entertain the heck out of me.  I don't need to scramble my brain trying to think of fun things to entertain you--you are a 24-7 fount of silliness, constantly making me crack up.  And you're so communicative.

Starting the moment I see you in your crib in the morning.  You stand there and tell me "Poo poo."  I say that I'll change your diapers and you respond "Later.  Change it later!  Milk, ba-ba (i.e., bottle), rock-a-baby (i.e., cuddle me)."

And then it's on to waking up daddy.  You'll burst into his room and shout "Wake up Daddy!  Wake up!"  And on we go with the day.

You are generally cooperative and pretty easy to reason with.  As long as we let you do it "one more time" or a "little bit, little bit more" and then tell you it's the "last time, la ultima, last time", and sometimes count "1, 2, 3"'re pretty ready to let go of whatever you were doing or holding.

I keep wondering...will things just keep getting better?  Or will your "terrible two's" turn you into a demon child soon.  Cuz life with you is just too good now!


m.chung said...

the berkeley shirt and stanford hat want to duke it out to the death - only one school loyalty can walk out alive.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Ha ha, too bad we're too cheap to spring for a $25 CAL hat for toddlers.