Friday, December 15, 2006

The Aftermath

My tax exam this morning was easily the worst exam I have ever taken. Period.

Words that immediately come to mind are: Total decimation, carnage, The Rape of Nanking, scorched get the idea.

I did sort of anticipate the destruction. For the last 3 nights I have had the worst insomnia DESPITE popping sleeping pills like a young starlette her vicodins. So...tired...

If the exam was graded on an absolute scale, I would easily get an F. Definitely. Because I didn't even answer half the exam. Oh, I certainly B.S.ed my way through it...writing down freely associated thoughts in a stream of consciousness form.

I imagine my professor having a good laugh with his tax-buddies the way I laugh at highschool essays that say things like, George Bush is the King of America. Or we have 50 justices on the Supreme Court.

And if I can make someone chuckle...well, then it's not all for nought, I suppose.


Alaberi said...

ohhhhh Christina. Hugs. I'm sure it wasn't that bad. I felt that way about an econ exam once--and on an absolute scale, I got a D (it was a 64/100) but on the grading scale I got a B or a B+

And that was at UW, where grade inflation doesn't exist like it does here. So...who knows - perhaps the prof will get a chuckle AND give you a decent grade. :)

Alice in Wonderland said...

Thanks Alaberi. That is my only hope...the curve has now become my friend and last resort.

kony said...

hey, it's over!!!!! that is the important part. and you passed. (it's harvard.)

some laugh therapy for you:

hang in there girlfriend. 1 more?