Saturday, February 10, 2007

"Black Don't Crack," said Oprah.

Can you guess how old this woman is? Bet you can't!

After watching a recent Oprah show on aging, I am convinced that 50 is the new 30. (To clarify: this woman is NOT 50.) The show was a virtual panoply of post-menopausal women looking fabulous and fit and feeling vibrant and energetic.

I used to think my life would basically start heading downhill by 35, but these women have given me a new lease on life. I used to think I have only 8 good years left in me (and resented the fact that 4 of those precious years would have to be taken up with pesky child-rearing). But since learning the stay-young secrets of these youthful grandmas, I've taken my one proverbial foot out of the grave.

What are their secrets?

Well, I think the common denominator is serious devotion to exercise. Oprah wanted to make it sound all "spiritual" and "deep" by saying that the common denominator was that they all "loved themselves" and felt "open to experiences." But that would be putting the cart before the horse. Exercising and being fit produces feelings of competence and confidance, which then leads you to positive experiences. Oh yeah, and another secret is A LOT of moisturizer.

So how old was that woman?

Seventy years old. I kid you not.


Unknown said...

I am inspired by this post :) I can literally feel my body change now that I am 30, and it don't feel good! I wonder where I am going to find the energy to raise children (if I should be so blessed)! Gotta love Oprah...

Alice in Wonderland said...

I feel you Brenda.

I'm right on your tail and I can definitely feel things changing! (I groan everytime I get up from sitting on the floor!) But at least you've got the youthful look going. When I first met you I though you were 19 or 20.

kony said...

wth?? she is NOT 70. woooow. what does she eat??

Alaberi said...

70 years old???!

btw you're lucky you're asian. We don't age very quickly either.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I was beginning to feel washed up at 27, and now I'm not sure if I'm inspired that someone could look so fabulous at 70 or depressed that she looks like she's in better shape than me :P