Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Love is in the air...

All this talk about love makes me think...

I haven't lived that long or experienced that much, but this I know. The sweetest love of all for a woman is: SisterLove.

Sure the love of a man is nice. But Men are from Mars. They don't and can't and frankly shouldn't be able to understand "everything." There are parts of our psyches that only fellow Venusians can ever really get. And who's going to be there for you when you and your man have issues?

And sure it's great to have a loving family. But they love you without any real choice in the matter. Heck, you share their genes, so it's like loving an extension of themselves. But girlfriends choose you. They really really like...YOU.

It's the purest love there is. It's not because of euphoric chemicals, hard-wired by evolution to help us procreate. It's not an addiction, a compulsion, a convenience, or a social convention.

It is the truest form of human compassion.

So why is it so hard to find SisterLove? We've all heard (and unfortunately experienced) that women are catty and jealous. They all compete to be the Queen Bee and fake being nice only to stab their "friends" behind their backs first chance they get. That's a pity. And that's why SisterLove is so precious.

To find sisters whom you trust completely,
who will tell you the Truth,
who *genuinely* care,
I have been blessed.

To three great loves who need serious work on their "sexy" poses
(I said sexy! Not bored, not lost, and not confused!):

Happy Valentine's Day.


Alaberi said...

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alice, this was the best Valentine's gift ever. *HUGS all around* Muah! :)

Alaberi said...

btw I think this is the only picture in recent memory that can crack me up every time. especially when I think of the video. "wait--this was on video the whole time?!"

Alice in Wonderland said...

Right back at ya' girlfriend. This picture is even funnier when you click on it to enlarge! You can see the distinct variations of confusion in each person's expression (except mine. I'm bringing sexy back.)