Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Blogging is so 2004

A lot of my blog sidelinks have bit the dust and I decided it was time to take them off.

Semi-Serious Business
Super Ego
One Brassy Broad
An (Old) Grumpy Soul
Las Fashionistas
I Suck on Straws
And my own subsidiary blog: Law and Disorder

A moment of silence.

Of the remaining ones, most are only half alive (posting maybe 3-4 times a year!) So I've arranged my links from most frequently updated to least frequent.

Blogging is a tough business. The dropout rate has got to be pretty comparable to small businesses failing: only 39% are profitable.


Unknown said...

You're right. Blogging is no longer new. Now it's Gather and Facebook and sites I've yet learned to appreciate... To blog or not to blog?

Peggy E. said...

I'm glad I'm not at the bottom... just close to the bottom. Speaking of Facebook, when will you get one?

Anonymous said...

I think most blogs die because the creativity has dried up. I know that was the case for me. I did have some fun times. Everything dies eventually, even morals and decent values. - Mr. Morris

Alice in Wonderland said...

Morris - That's so comforting to know. Somehow, I think your grumpiness is destined to live on through the ages...

Pegpie - I am unwillingly on Facebook actually. I only signed on to read my friend's profile and to be voyeuristic, so it's not actively attended to.

Brenda - Don't you dare stop blogging!!!! I LOVE your posts!

Alaberi said...

whew! thank goodness you didn't take my blog off! :)

Suz said...

You know, I am still blogging...just not on the Public Interwebz. You're welcome to read!