Thursday, May 31, 2007

Casual Threesome

Today I "casual carpooled" for the first time.

Instead of taking the rapid transit train, I waited in line outside the station to get picked up by a random stranger who wanted to drive two carpoolers to SF.

In the Bay Area, traffic is now so congested that a driver only qualifies for the carpool lane if she has three people in her car! Tough law.

Anyway, the whole concept of casual-carpooling sounds a little sketchy and dangerous, but I thought "what the heck" since my friend Daniel (also commuting to SF) was going to be in the same car.

A middle-aged white woman pulled up to us in an SUV and told Daniel to move the baby-seat in the back to make room for himself. We listened to npr the whole way and laughed together at some of the funny news reports.

Who knew it was National Lemon Bisque day?! (Maybe I heard that wrong)

All in all it was a good experience, except for the horrendous smell in her car. Something like a blend of poopy diapers and body funk. I almost asked her to crack open the window a couple times and then chickened out for fear of offending her. I took only shallow breaths and shoved my hand close to my nose the whole time.

Next time I'm going to ask to roll down the window. It's not worth it.


Anonymous said...

I bet her car smelled only marginally worse than BART.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Yeah. It was a toss up actually. But at least on the BART I can blatantly stick perfumed paper up my nose and not feel like I'm offending anyone!

Alaberi said...

EWWW! That does NOT sound fun!


I miss you!