Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pwnage #4: Memorial Weekend Edition

This weekend is full of suspense.

Although work has taken up a good chunk of my Saturday, there is a chance that work might swallow up even more days!

The delightful (that's sarcasm) thing is that I just don't know. The boss said the client MAY need us to do stuff on Sunday or Monday. Keep an eye on the blackberry.

So just like that, work has managed to completely straddle my weekend with its hulking shadow. The sword of Demosthenes dangles over me precariously. At least I can hope that it will just be an empty threat. Fingers crossed.

I've had so many pwnages so close together I've become a little numb. Kind of like victims of repeated assault. You just close your eyes and passively let it happen without even struggling. What's the point?


Peggy E. said...

This is why they need a Dislike button on Facebook.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Yeah, I'd press it until my fingers fall off.