Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Board Books are for Babies

Now that Judah's almost 1, he's grown tired of his board books. The only books that seem to capture his interest now are Dr. Seuss.

I thought I didn't have to deal with green eggs and ham for at least a couple years, but nope. It's all Seuss all the time now! I've practically memorized Hop on Pop.


Arie said...

why does he look so big in your lap?? he's growing sooo fast!

the McArthur Family said...

I am amazed he can sit through a real story! Baby genius!

Alice in Wonderland said...

@Arie--It's funny. I don't notice Judah's growth since I see him everyday, but you'll be shocked the next time you see him. He'll prob be walking!

@Mandi--Nope, no genius here. He sits through about 3 pages before he starts grinning at the ceiling like a madman.

the McArthur Family said...

Your madman comment is really funny.