Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nature Boy

Recently we took you to our favorite hiking spot. We used to hike here every week before you were born, but had to stop after you came along since you refuse to sit in your stroller.

We thought you might accept your stroller now that you're much older, but we were wrong! Not only do you not sit still, you now have the annoying habit of crying until we let you PUSH the stroller. Of course, this is all kinds of pointless and counter-productive.

Nevertheless you (and your exploding hair) got to enjoy some fresh air.

You skillfully and carefully walked around a tree trunk--no easy feat considering all the gnarly roots in the way. Good job baby!


the McArthur Family said...

I love that last pic. It's like he is living in the 1970's. His outfit looks so retro - down to his converse-like shoes.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Yes, I bet many college kids are wearing this exact outfit as we speak...well, without the onesie aspect hopefully.

the McArthur Family said...

I remember wearing onesies in highschool - freshman year they were "in". Although, they were called "Bodysuits". Didn't last very long though.