Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Your First Words

Many parents recount their baby's first word with great certainty, but I doubt that is most parents' experience. In your case, I'm pretty sure you say a few things deliberately, but then again, you're not totally consistent.

You started babbling really young and I'm not sure if or when you've said your first word. But I do know that 3 words seem really special to you.

The first one is "da-da", which I first heard you declare while pointing right at your dad and smiling. This is probably your first word since you did it around 7 months.

The second one is "hi", which sounds more like "aieee" cuz you leave out the "h" sound. You say this while waving your hand and smiling at someone, often strangers at the grocery store. You also did this around 7 months.

Recently, you started saying "that", which first came out with a very aspirated ending, more like "dathththth", but now sounds more like "dat". You say this while pointing at all kinds of random things (that's right, you point now, no more wristing!)

My question is--when are you going to say ma-ma?!


Eddie J said...

If it helps, our little one still says "da da" enthusiastically, but can only force out "ma ma" on rare occasions. She is going on two!

the McArthur Family said...

I'm impressed with what he is saying! Pronouns already!?! Also, the way he says "hi" is so you!