Thursday, March 15, 2012


Hey y'all. Just wanted to give myself a shout out--hey gurl!

What for?

For finishing Anna F*ing Karenina 2 days ago. Trust me, it was NOT pleasant.

Russian novels do not mess around. They are looooong. Really, really looooong. With a lot of descriptions of philosophical ideas and scenery from the countryside.

When I was about 20% of the way through, I really wanted to stop reading it. Snooze-fest. But I'm not a quitter. I hate quitting. So I doubled-down and went for it.

And yes, I may have skipped hundreds of pages about the abovementioned topics and lesser characters.

I really just wanted to know what happened to Anna Karanina. Well, I'm not going to ruin it for you all, but girlfriend gets batsh*t crazy. Let's just say I do NOT understand that character at all.

And in the end, it seems like the book was not about her after all. It was about this dude named Levin and how he came to faith in Christ. Wierd, right?!

Crazy Russian novelists.


nafrica said...

I can see Russian novelists brings out expletives in you!

Cath said...

I have been trying to accomplish this goal for years and have not made it. I salute you. HEY GIRL!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Thanks Cath! (And nice to meetya.) The secret is to lightly skim 70% of it! Finish it before the movie comes out next year starring Keira Knightly--have a bad feeling about that one.