Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Names in the Book of Life

One day Judah picked up our Spanish-English lexicon and started reading off his favorite catch phrases and names of people he knows.  He actually loves that pictureless book.  Go figure.

"Lecha" (Alexa)
"Uncle Will"
"Manfy (Manfred), Connie" (Those two names always goes together for Judah.)
"Ride the bus"
"Habitot!" (Baby gym)
"Studio Grow" (Another baby gym)
"Naty's school" (his friend's school)
"Di-ya-ya" (his nanny's name)

Judah's such a prolific gabber I often hear his little voice in my head throughout the day.  He likes to reach into his pocket and say "Got money."  And about a hundred times a day he'll say "Help me, help me, help me!" when he wants help opening something.

Recently he's learned to sing "Happy Birthday to you" with a long trill on the yooooooouuuuuu, which goes up an octave at the end.  He also likes to sing "Monkey jumping" (on the bed) and "Rock-a-baby" (on the tree top).

Gosh I love that little voice!

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