Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Operation Wean Judah: Stalled

We've hit a bump on the road to weaning.

Although we're down to just one feeding (the night-time one), Judah's gotten really tired of hearing that boo-boo is owie.  Each day his frustration grows at the fact that boo-boo is STILL owie.

Now he'll insist "Boo-boo okay!  Boo-boo okay!"  (meaning, it's not owie, it's okay).

And then he'll say "Take!  Take!" (meaning, take those darn bandages off!)

This morning he actually burst out in tears and hurled his bottle onto the floor in anger.

Maybe he'd forget about nursing if I would just let that one last feeding go, but I'm finding out that I just can't.  It's just too wonderfully cuddly and sweet. 

It's the best way to end a LOOOOONG day of fighting, cajoling, frustrating wrestling with my obstinate toddler and the best way to say "Mommy loves you and I'm sorry for losing my patience and yelling at you when you threw pureed food on the floor for the third time, AGAIN."

Maybe we'll just keep this last one...

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